
Pilates, named after its founder Joseph Pilates, is a gentle but challenging form of exercise that combines breathing, strength training, flexibility and body awareness. The method focuses particularly on strengthening the core muscles - the muscles around the abdomen and back that are crucial for posture and balance.

One of Pilates' greatest strengths is its versatility. Whether you're an experienced athlete looking to improve your performance or looking for a gentle way to recover from an injury, Pilates can be customized to meet the needs of each individual. It offers both isolated exercises for targeted muscle strengthening and flowing movements that stretch and strengthen the muscles.

Regular Pilates classes can also help reduce stress and promote mental clarity. The focused breathing and precise movements help achieve a state of mindfulness that offers a soothing break from hectic everyday life.

For dancers, Pilates is an ideal addition because concentrated work with the lower abdominal and pelvic floor muscles has a positive effect on balance and the perception of one's own posture.

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