Kids Break


Break Dance

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Breakdance is a mixture of fast step combinations and acrobatic movements.

Especially at a young age, it is very effective to engage kids with music and cool moves.

Breakdancing is creative, individual and independent. It trains body control, promotes motor skills, generates strength and is a lot of fun, especially for boys, who often find their way into dance.

Breaking or BBoying includes so-called "toprocks" (upright dancing), "footworks" (dancing close to the ground), "freezes" (freezing a movement in one position) and "power moves" (flying and turning on and around every conceivable part of the body - at a more advanced stage). By breaking, you not only get to know your own body, but also train your sense of rhythm and train your strength and coordination. Self-efficacy is also promoted here, as the kids are incredibly proud when they have achieved something "so cool".

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